Dota 2 How to Carry

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How to Carry by FiercE
10 Minute CS Marks As much as you can, usually up to as much as 60+. Under 30 is bad but cant be helped in some situations.
20 Minute CS Marks Take your 10 Minute CS and add 40 to 60.
30 Minute CS Marks and beyond Your farming rate should increase since you should have finished farming your core items. Ive seen as high as 230+cs by 30 minutes.

To help you farm, you should farm in the jungle every once in a while, use a TP scroll to switch to lanes with the most creeps, and sometimes you can stack neutral creeps.

Always try your best to survive ganks. Even if you die, at least youre making your enemies waste time instead of just giving them an easy kill.

Dont help your team in the early game unless you see that you can grab a guaranteed kill. If you dont see a guaranteed kill, its better to play it safe and stay in your lane to farm your items in a timely manner.

Always look around the map and minimap, check your enemys inventory, check their levels, check their positioning on the map, etc.

Dont waste buybacks to farm. Use buybacks to help your team accomplish goals or to defend your base.

Learn how to dodge or negate spells using items such as Shadow Blade, BKB, Manta Style, Euls Scepter, etc. Many spells can be used to dodge or negate spells such as Leap, Shadow Walk, Pounce, Mirror Images, etc.

Understand the limitations of spells such as cast animations, projectile times, range, etc.

In most situations, target the easiest to kill target. Most of the time, that is going to be the hero that is closest to you or the hero with the least amount of hit points.

Sometimes, you have to target heroes in order of priority. An example could be if they have stuns that can go through magic immunity such as Black Hole and Reverse Polarity. Other times, the farm is all concentrated on one hero so if that one hero dies, then the rest of the team is useless.

Maximize farming time by being the last one to arrive to a team fight or base defense. Split push or counter push to help stall the game long enough so you can farm more items.

When you get a farming or hero advantage, dont let people come into your lane to farm. Chase them away and make their life difficult.

Item and Skill builds are situational. You will lose games by going the wrong items. Learn to adjust your builds depending on which heroes youre playing against and which heroes youre allied with.

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