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WE'RE BUILDING AN ESPORTS STUDIO IN LOS ANGELES! Find out more about it and how you can help out HERE:

Got questions or just want to learn more? Don't hesitate to contact us directly!


davidg at
davidp at
bts at

Thanks for all your support!

Beyond the Summit means everything to us, and you guys are the reason why ❤


Thanks for those who check out our kick-starter page, and a huge thanks to those who contribute! We've spent the past year almost building up Beyond the Summit from nothing but the community's direction for a coverage channel. From our initial tournament (Gigabyte Dota Masters), which was the first large scale Dota 2 tournament for the Asian Dota 2 scene, to the subsequent World Tour where we matched up the Asian and European teams for some much-desired, albeit slightly laggy, cross-continental games. From there, we came up with the fun, but highly-competitive, "Fistful of Tangoes" 1v1 tournament, and have plans for much, much more.

But first, we want to take jump in the deep end. Because the sharks don't swim where it's shallow. We're moving to L.A. and creating the Beyond The Summit ESports Studio to cover all our Dota 2 events and create content from for you guys. We've devoted the past year to coverage from our homes online from various locations, but in order to do this full time and create a proper professional product that you guys deserve, we need a studio, and L.A. is the perfect location.

A huge thanks to the tournament organizers/sites who have worked with us over the past year, a big thanks to TwitchTV who have helped us so much with technical issues, sponsorship for the first tournament we did back in April of last year, and much, much more, but most of all all our thanks to the viewers and community who tune in day after day.


Why do we need your help to do this?
Because at the moment BTS is just myself and LD. We are an entirely grassroots organization that basically consists of two extremly passionate contributors to the community. We love the freedom we get by staying this way because it means we aren't restricted in what we can do, and can always do right by you guys. The move to L.A. and costs of setting up a studio is more than we can manage from our revenue over the past 10 months. In fact, all revenue from the past 3 months (youtube/twitch ad revenue) has been saved up just to help with this move and set-up in L.A. but we still aren't quite there. With your support, the Beyond The Summit ESports Studio will be bigger and better!

What does your donation/money go to?
Well our costs for starting up a studio are very diverse. From initial costs such as traveling to L.A., computers, mixing boards, monitors, lighting, networking, sound-proofing to much, much more. We want to make the studio capable of producing amazing quality content. Additionally, we will be looking to work with professoinal video/graphics individuals over the coming year, as well as expanding our casting/co-casting talent. Finally, we love organizing fun events and professional events catered to the viewer's needs and desires.

When will the studio be ready?
If funding goes through, our goal is to have the studio fully functional by middle of March. I am already in L.A. working towards settling a suitable location and making our move here as smooth and efficient as possible so we can be set up to broadcast to you guys as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we still need your help to make that deadline possible!
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