DotA - Weird early games

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DotA видео от MagoMerli :

I recommend to download the High Quality Video.

This video is oriented on the most improbable/cool early games actions, that i have played, where no high items or overlevelled heroes are involved.
Infact during the scenes you can see only heroes max level 6.
I was tired to collect the actions without show them, so i made this.
Sorry all but i didnt focus my work on editing/effects like my previous videos.
This was made in 3 days, so dont be angry with me for that.
Anyway i put many efforts in the SYNCRO.
You can easy discover that ALL SPELLS (YES ALL!) are syncronized with the music. (lightings, stuns, magina blink, etc...).
Even the camera movement and some attacks (yes not all, its impossible) are in syncro (for example Zeus hit a creep in the first scene, Venomancer and Warlock symultaneous hit on Lesrach, 2 glaves of Silencer vs Tauren in the last scene, etc...). And yes as a classic video editing rule, deaths are syncronized too.
Ok ok... i have to say the truth... i missed to syncro the Sandking burrow strike in the Pudge scene... but meh... i just made a mistake
Obviously im in all the scenes, sometimes as highlighted hero, sometimes as the supporter. (in the Juggernaut scene i have a fake nick )


1) I was Lanaya liv 3 and refraction saved me vs a nasty Zeus lighting + Techies suicide combo.

2) I was Medusa running from Naix and Luna. Luna was short of mana but i saw her using bottle, so i decided to juke them to follow me and when i knew i was going to die i used mana shield right half sec before Lunas beam. And my juke worked well.

3) Sand King thought to be safe in the sand... I was Omni with a random player near me, i told him to go in with repel many times... but only at that point he decided to hear me... and thats what happened... cool combo.

4) I was Jugge, i decided to bladefury and wait Antimage to blink back and then Omnislash him. Well... after the blink i was still bladefurying and he had time to go in the shadow, so i misclicked him when he went back and then he burned my mana... Sad... now i was in danger, with Doc using on me death ward too... but i had a backkup plane, a full bottle in my hands! I used the first charge at the right time, the second went bad cause magina blink and with the third i had a good timing again... but i hadnt 200 mana for Omnislash and bladefury was on CD... so i could only run and wait...

5) I was Lina with my friend Lesrach in a clan war with Veno roaming. Lesrach was really in danger but with the rights stuns/timing we managed a come back.

6) I was Abbadon, nothing to say here, the video explain it all. I just waited on red HP (so they remained in battle) before use my Aphotic/Coil combo to get a double kill.

7) I was maiden in a BIG trouble, battlehunger on me with Morph chasing... i was dead...nothing to do... i just tried to make as many damage possible on Morph. I hide in shadow, than i came back to nova him and slow him while trying to go in shadow again. Night Stalker came in help, Morph could go back, i was dead anyway cause battlehunger... but as all good players know... GREEDY IS BAD! He saved my ass instead of killing me.... Stalker nuked him with void just 0,000001 before Morphlings hit could reach me... LEVEL UP... SAFE !!!

8) I was Lesrach with my friend Tauren, Silencer came from mid to gank... Silencer casted curse of the silent on cow after fissure... Spider was in danger so he decided to go back...greedy is bad... greedy is bad... Silencer chasing cow... my friend hide in a little spot in the trees... and i stun Silencer at the right time...
So he died near his tomb ( watch to understand )

For more informations about the video/actions and to post feedbacks go there
To download the High Resolution video directly go there
Have fun D
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