DotA - The Response Hack

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DotA видео от totallnewbie:

I made this compilation video in hopes of increasing response hack awareness. All of the 12 scenes are taken from my old videos, so I apologize that there is no new material. You just have to wait for Audacity Vol.3 P

I often get people asking me how they can get better at dota. Well, here is something that will definitely bring you up to the next level. This seemingly little thing makes every little difference in battle. Not many people recognize the significance of this, and thus usually neglect or fail to realize its existence. You dont see many other DotA videos showing this type of skill. Its not easy to do by any means, but good players will be able to exploit opportunities that would never have existed.

Practicing this prediction technique will really develop your sense of spacing, and precise calculation. It can be utilized in various situations to accomplish different objectives. For example, getting in free hits on your opponent without receiving damage in return, making your opponents waste spells, and above all else, to establish psychological dominance. Basically, you show your opponents that you able to read all of their movements easily and make them feel hopeless against you.

For the vast majority of the scenes, response hacking the opponent affected the outcome significantly. All of these actions were intentional and there was little to no luck involved.
Time (Video) Description
012 -022 (Audacity 2) Void and faking the attack on axe. Didnt take any damage which allowed me to get a double kill afterwards.
023 -033 (Magina) Prevented getting killed by creeps/rot/pudges attack.
034 -046 (BB) Turnaround instantly after spectre gives up chase. Prevented potential tower diving with low HP.
047 -118 (BB) Turnaround instantly after void gives up chase. Free hit allowed me to get double kill. Instant wild axes dodge and timewalk dodge.
119 -132 (MG7) Prevented centaur from suiciding with double edge while stalling time for templar assassin.
133 -147 (MG2) Enticing lycan to succumb to greed after giving up the chase initially.
148 -203 (Audacity 2) Euls dodge to null polarity literally 0.01sec before it happened. Notice I could have blinked away any time. This forces magnus to stay and wait for me to come down (making it easier for priestess to land arrow) and makes him feel hopeless in the situation.
204 -213 (Audacity 1) Predicted when DK would right click me to prevent damage taken.
214 -230 (Audacity 1) 1 hit + retreat on naix allowed me to tank the remaining hits afterwards for the kill.
231 -249 (BB) Turned the imba back to reduce damage the instant rexxar casts ult, which would have otherwise killed me.
250 -311 (MG7) Hook ogre the instant he cast fireblast on leshrac (damaged him so he dies faster). Any sooner he would have casted it on me, any later he would have gotten in another hit which would have killed me.
312 -330 (Audacity 1) Amp and crush the instant SA decided to blink strike me. If I had done it earlier, he might not have chased. If I had done it later, he might have been able to get in 1 more hit (which would kill me). It also one of many deciding factors in the battle, as SA took much more damage than he would have if he didnt have his armor reduced.

Song can be found here
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