Dota 2 Heroes Lore - Huskar

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Разное видео от Dota2PortalTV Dota 2 Lore:

Check out our Absolute Rampage tournament!! -

Dota 2 Lore is a new D2PTV show where we are going to present you the story of each and every Dota 2 Hero. We have taken the basic story designed by Valve and added more details to make the story more interesting and enjoyable.

Story drawn by D2P.Nexus and narrated by Sairex. The show comes with English subtitles! Russian subs usually need some extra time to come!

----------------------------------------- Share --------------------------------------------
If you have an idea for how to share our new show, feel free to contact us over Youtube private message! Thanks in advance! Thanks to for promoting our show!

---------------------------------------- D2PTV -------------------------------------------
The creation of this show isn't cheap and easy for us.. But of course, don't worry; we will do our best to continue with the show with the current equipment that we possess, although we would really like an opportunity to improve ourselves for you. The money will eventualy be used for the new hardware - which will enable the faster recording, editing and rendering. Even if you are not able to donate, you are helping us out by watching and enjoying our project, so thanks a lot for all of your positive feedback! However, in case you find some spare money for us, your name will be placed on our credits scene at the end of the video! Thanks in advance! -

Feel free to join our social pages:

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Twitter -!/DOTA2Portal/
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Check out Sairex blogs -

Tell us what you think and of course, tell us which Hero should we do next! See you in our next episode!

Background music

1. E.S. Posthumus - Antissa

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Dota2PortalTV Dota 2 Lore
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