Dota 2 Moments - Spirit Breaker

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Dota 2 видео от Dota 2 Moments:

This video was made possible by multiple user submissions, thank you to:

BlackStar (Spirit Breaker) for the first clip! BlackStar is representing Mongolia.
0:02 - 0:52

W'S.Frizzy (Spirit Breaker) for the second clip! W'S.Frizzy is representing Israel.
0:52 - 1:26

Twilight the Grand Magus (Axe) for the third clip! Twilight the Grand Magus is representing The United States of America.
1:26 - 2:00

Nazo (Spirit Breaker) for the fourth clip! Nazo is representing Italy.
2:00 - 2:42

RedeMpti0n (Spirit Breaker) for the fifth clip! RedeMpti0n is representing India.
2:42 - 3:09

Okas (Pudge) for the sixth clip! Okas is representing Canada.
3:09 - 3:40

Jazzy Josh (Wisp) for the seventh clip! Jazzy Josh is representing The United States of America.
3:44 - 4:02

Backup (Faceless Void) for the eighth clip! Backup is representing The United States of America.
4:02 - 4:58

Stray Cat (Medusa) for the ninth clip! Stray Cat is representing The United States of America.
4:58 - 5:22

Jves (Dark Seer) for the tenth clip! Jves is representing Turkey.
5:22 - 6:02

The Sandvich Guardian (Spirit Breaker) for the eleventh clip! The Sandvich Guardian is representing The United States of America.
6:02 - 6:49

[YSI] Alpine Kid (Rubick) for the twelfth clip! [YSI] Alpine Kid is representing Russia.
6:54 - 7:29

Night Sky (Mirana) for the thirteenth clip! Night Sky is representing Thailand.
7:29 - 8:36

If you want to feature your stream, channel, or yourself with a clip, submit a clip below!

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Submit your Dota 2 funny, pro, fail, rampages, hero denies, Roshan steals or interesting clips!
Submission Form:
Email: [email protected]

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More Moments Here:

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Music used in order:

(Hammock Fight) Kevin Macleod ( 0:02 - 0:40
(Flighty Theme) Kevin Macleod ( 0:52 - 1:15
(calypso-30) Free Stock Music ( 1:26 - 1:55
(Lift Motif) Kevin Macleod ( 2:00 - 2:36
(Running Fanfare) Kevin Macleod ( 2:42 - 3:01
(winds-of-change-30) Free Stock Music (
3:09 - 3:36
(revolutionary) Free Stock Music ( 3:45 - 6:42
(Cartoon Battle) Kevin Macleod ( 6:54 - 8:24

Credit music by: Kmax - Mario's Elevator 8:36 - 8:52

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