Heroic Effigies

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Разное видео от Wykrhm Reddy:

Those who purchased this year's Compendium for The International have a new way to display their heroism! Heroic Effigies are a new customization feature allowing players to sculpt their favorite hero, along with any items they have equipped, into a statue for their team's base.

To craft an Effigy, first grab your Effigy Block of Triumph, and then use it to open the Sculptor menu and begin posing your hero. After you've set your statue's equipment, pose, and written your inscription, you're ready to create your Effigy.

Once equipped from your loadout, your Heroic Effigy will appear in your team's base for all to see.

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Wykrhm Reddy
Последнее из категории «Интересности и полезности»
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