Queue with You (Dota 2 Parody)

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Разное видео от fwosh:

Original: Rhythm of Love - Plain White T's

Hey boy, I'll be your support
I'll pool tangoes and buy us some wards
We'll crush their team, for sure
It seems, when you're here by my side
I see rocket flares fill the sky
It turns into more than a game
When we get to dual lane

Don't worry, I'll play omniknight
And with my heals you'll be alright
You'll be fine
I won't ever lose
As long as I queue with you

I'll stack camps to help you get farmed
I'm right here so dont be alarmed
If there's trouble, I'll swap you from harm

Oh no, Pudge here, so I'll run ahead
If he hooks, I'll catch it instead
Stay tethered and don't be afraid
We'll relocate somewhere safe

You must have your butterfly
Because I miss you all the time
All the time
I won't ever lose
As long as I queue with you

When they tower dive
I'll distract those guys, I'll probably die
Don't look back, it's not goodbye
I'll respawn soon... Survive!

Though I may mess up or feed
I know you'll still carry me
I'll create so much space and more
I just wanna be called yours

It's like you're playing Necrolyte
Cause you stop my heart all the time
All the time
Don't care, win or lose
As long as I queue with you
Together, we'll kill all these noobs
As long as I queue with you
Let's play some Dota 2

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