Dota 2 - interesting facts Ep 35

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Лаборатория доты, Эпизод 35

longzijun – Mime This

Dota 2 - interesting facts Ep 35:
1) Phoenixes Sun Ray can't be stopped by Naga's web, Spirit Bear's Entangling Claws or Treant's Overgrowth
2) Nature's Prophet can deactivate enemies fountain with his Sprout ability
3) Dazzles Shallow Grave or Oracle's False Promise doesn't save the allies from death after Wraith King's reincarnation ability (upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter)
4) Tinker can't Rearm Arcane Boots, but he rearms Guardian Greaves
5) Each Helm of the Dominator controls only one creep. It doesn't matter Dominator on your inventory or you drop it out!
6) Two or more Battle Furies deals more damage to nearby enemies of your main target and less to main target (splash attack ignores armor)
7) Lifestealer can eat allies and doesn't cancel abilities like Leshrac's Pulse Nova, Naga's Song of the Siren etc
8) there is an interesting bug with Witch Doctor's Voodoo Restoration and Lifestealer. Lifestealer can eat Witch Doctor with activated Voodoo Restoration and Witch Doctor isn't use mana while casting!
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