Сборка для Kardel Sharpeye - Dwarven Sniper гайд

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Разное видео от Сборки героев дота:

Kardel Sharpeye is a testament to his name and race. Using only his finely honed skills of marksmanship and his trusty rifle, he systematically destroys his opponents from afar.

(I dont use scattershot, get stats instead)

Step by Step Build
First buy salve at base
Buy helm @ lane shop (with leftover 500 gold)
450g more will take 7 waves, 1.5 kills per wave @ 42g average per creep
u should be around level 4 when u buy helm, if you are laning with another player
Push the lane hard when you have enough gold to buy treads @ side lane shops
When you return to base, buy wraith band
If you team already has a chicken/crow you dont need to buy one
use chicken/crow to bring you broadsword + teleports(youll need more than 1)
Use crows to fly you items so you can stay in lane and farm
I always buy crystalis and then get purchase manta before I upgrade crystalis to buriza.
(upgrading crystalis buriza is expensive costs 3500+)
You will need to upgrade to boots of travel later in the game because teleport scrolls take up a slot
You might get BKB before skadi depending on the hero match up
Yes, skadi stacks with lifesteal.
You can choose not to use skadi, but frost+headshot is very effective
Reasoning for my choice of items

-Treads, as + ms

-Teleport scrolls are always useful for returning to base after a good push or gank (can be used to escape from heros that cannot disable).

-buriza, critical hits(important item*)

-Manta Style, it helps you confuse your opponents, help you escape and help you raze buildings. (important item*)

-EoS + Satanic The frost effect from EoS and lifesteal from Satanic stacks on ranged heros.

-BKB, gives spell immunity(becareful when using bkb with manta, your images will not receive the effect)
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