DotA - Slark as Best Dodger [HD]

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DotA видео от SlarkKillThemAll:

Here I will explain some of the things in the movie, but first lets see what spells Slark has got.

First spell - Dark Pact.
First spell which Slark has is Dark Pact.
Dark Pact is probably the best skill for dodging in DotA, in my opinion. The spell starts working 1.5 seconds after activation. It works by releasing a wave of damage every 0.1 seconds for 1 second. On top of doing damage, with every wave it removes all the negative buffs (with some exceptions) that were cast on you. This coupled with fast fingers and some anticipation makes an experienced Slark player very difficult to disable.

Second spell - Pounce.
Second spell is Pounce. Its a good spell for increasing the distance between you and your enemy and it can also be used to dodge spells like
X Marks The Spot - Admiral
Meat Hook - Pudge
Glimpse - Thrall

Ultimate - Shadow Dance.
Slarks ultimate is an instant cast invisibility, so it can be used to dodge targeting spells like
Magic Missile - Vengeful Spirit
Homing Missile - Gyrocopter
Elunes Arrow - Priestess of the Moon (if Slark is not under the effect of True Sight)
And many others.

About moments in the movie.
The first moment that you might not understand is the one with Akashas ulti.
Its an old DotA trick/ bug. The place where Slark jumps is bugged and if you use your Blink dagger by double clicking it, you will be instantly teleported to your base.

The next moment which you might not understand is the one with Huskars ulti.
As you can see, Huskar used Dust to counter Slarks ulti, but, since Dark Pact was activated before that, it removed the negative effect of True Sight letting Slark run away unslowed.
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